38 Productivity Tools For Students

productivity tools for students

Are you a student searching for ways to be more productive? If so, you’re in luck! This article will tell you about the best productivity tools for students.

There are lots of great tools and apps available to help you get organized and stay on track. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the best ones. So whether you’re looking for a way to manage your time or keep track of your assignments, there’s sure to be something here that can help. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Pomodoro Timer

This app is an egg-shaped timer that you simply set for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Then you work for another 25 minutes, followed by another 5-minute break. 

Repeat this cycle until you’ve completed 4 Pomodoro sessions, then take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. It’s best for time management.

2. Productivity Planner

This is an effective college planner that will let you keep track of all your college assignments in one place. You can write down the tasks that are due each day, create to-do lists for longer-term assignments or projects, set reminders to help you remember important dates, and more.

3. Evernote

This is one of the best note-taking apps to use while you’re in school and it’s available on every device that you might have. It functions just like a notebook with multiple pages where you can write down all of your college notes, lecture outlines, study guides, and more. Plus, you can access your notes from any device that has an Internet connection, which means you’ll always have them with you when you need them.

4. Noisli

If distracting noises are impeding your studying or work, Noisli can help. This is an outstanding web app that will play relaxing background noise like the sound of a rustling forest, rain falling on leaves, and more. You can mix and match different unique sounds to create the perfect atmosphere that will help you get into a productive mindset while you study or work.

5. Quizlet 

This great flashcard app can make studying a lot more fun. You can create flashcards to help you study your college material, fill-in-the-blank questions for quizzes and exams, or even make games out of your studies. It’s great for higher-level classes that have lots of information that needs to be memorized.

6. E-Reading

It’s important to take breaks when studying or doing homework, but for some people, reading textbooks or other course material can be tedious. If you want to make the most of your study time, get e-reading apps like Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, and Google Play Books.

7. Bear 

This great note-taking app will make it effortless to take important notes, no matter what class you’re in. You can use it on your phone or on the web. The great thing about Bear is that it’s great for organizing notes and creating great study guides, so you can always have them with you when you need them.

8. Google Chrome Extensions

This is one of the best Chrome extensions for students that you can use to get significant results while you’re in school. This great extension will block distracting websites and help you avoid procrastination. It’s also great for blocking intrusive ads, so it helps you save time and improves your productivity. It’s a great way to make sure that you stay focused on what you need to get done.

9. Google Calendar 

This great app is great for staying organized and on top of all your college courses, clubs, and extracurricular activities. You can keep track of lecture dates, test dates, project due dates, and more with this great calendar tool. It will help you stay up to date on everything that you have to do, so you can get excellent results.

10. RescueTime 

If you’re looking for a great way to get significant results while being online, this great productivity app is one of the best tools to use. It will track your activity on different devices and programs, which can help you discover how much time you spend online and on different tasks. This great tool will help you use your time more efficiently.

11. Study Blue 

This great app lets you take all of your course material with you wherever you go so that you can study without needing access to a computer or the Internet. You can create flashcards, take notes, and even quiz yourself on your schoolwork. It’s great for those times when you need to study outside of the library or home environment.

12. Google Drive 

If you have a Gmail account, then you have access to Google Drive, which is great for collaborating with group members as well as storing course material. Besides creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentation slides, you can also save scanned course notes in PDF format so that you have them on the go.

13. We Heart It 

If you’re looking for a great way to store images from your favorite websites or blogs into one place, then We Heart It is great for organizing all the great stuff you find online. Plus, you can quickly share these images with friends or classmates so that they can use them for their projects or group work.

14. Padlet 

This is great for creating digital bulletin boards in which everyone who’s working on a particular project can post ideas and comments to the same board where everyone can see them. It’s great for group work or projects that involve more than one person.

15. Duolingo 

This is great for learning a new language, especially if you’re doing it with friends who are also interested in expanding their vocabulary and sentences. You can set a goal to learn a certain amount of material each day, and you can even compete with friends to see who’s learning the most.

16. Dropbox 

If you’re looking for a great place to store documents and files of all kinds, then Dropbox is great because it will sync across multiple devices so that you always know where your important files or documents are located. 

You can share these files with groups or classmates and even save them on your desktop for easy access. The great thing is that you can also use it to share extensive files like an HD video or audio file with multiple people at the same time.

17. Google Keep 

This app lets you create lists and notes that will automatically sync across all of your devices so that you can always access them from anywhere. You can even create checklists that are for projects and group work that require you to list out specific steps or materials that need to be used.

18. AnyMeeting 

This online tool will let you host webinars and presentations for your students, coworkers, family, or friends. You can add polls and even chat to make presentations more interactive, and it’s great for sharing files like HD videos or documents with everyone who is viewing the presentation.

19. Buzzsumo 

This tool will show you which articles have been shared online so that you know what content has a good chance of going viral. It’s great for finding articles, blog posts, or other content to share with your students so they can learn more about the topic at hand.

20. Scribble Maps 

This mapping tool will let you create maps of places around the world for your students to learn more about. You can share photos and videos of places as well as create a map guide where you can walk students through the different spots on your map as if they were there in person.

21. Wunderlist 

This online tool will let you create different kinds of lists so that you can keep track of what needs to be done. You can create lists for work, home, school, and other projects that you’re working on so that everything is in one place and organized just the way you like it.

22. Google Classroom 

This tool will let you stay up to date with all of your class assignments online. It’s used for organizing your materials. You can also use it for creating announcements, writing feedback on assignments in real-time, and even creating discussion boards with your students so that they can communicate with each other about the assignment in question.

23. Skype 

This great video chat app can be great for group projects that require collaboration with students around the world. You can also use it to set up interviews with experts, professionals, and people who are resources for your stories or articles.

24. Wave 

A tool that will let you create presentations online without having to download any software onto your computer. You can also use it to create different kinds of charts, presentations, videos, images, audio, documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint, games, and more.

25. Google Docs 

This college tool will let you and your group members edit files together in real-time, which makes it a useful college tool for working on projects and assignments with classmates or team members. There are all kinds of college documents that you can create using Google Docs, like essays, research papers, presentations, term papers, research proposals, admission essays, lab reports, and more.

26. Dropbox 

This productivity tool will let you store files online, access them from anywhere, and share them with others. You can use Dropbox to store college notes, lecture outlines, study guides, and more. Plus, you can access your files from any device that has an Internet connection.

27. Docsend 

This tool will let you shrink extensive files to make them easier to email, while also keeping track of who has viewed your files and when. You can send your college documents as soon as you create them so others don’t have to wait — they’ll receive your file just as quickly as you send it.

28. Teendrops 

This tool will let you track how much time you spend on your laptop, phone, and even video games. You can set goals for yourself based on time limits or goals related to how often you use each device.

29. RealtimeBoard 

This productivity tool will turn your computer into an interactive whiteboard for brainstorming sessions with friends, group members, or classmates. You can also use RealtimeBoard to create presentation slides and meetings, where you can upload files from Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox; type text, and draw as you present.

30. iStudiez Pro 

This effective tool will let you know what assignments are coming up when an assignment is due, and your grade for each class, and if you want to make sure you don’t miss a study session with friends or group members, make sure you set an alarm on iStudiez Pro so you can wake up in time for that 9 AM class.

31. Write Monkey 

This tool will let you turn your computer into a digital typewriter, so no matter where you are, you can write papers for school, and as long as you have an internet connection, you’ll be able to edit and format your paper just like you would on a normal word processor. You can even copy and paste direct quotes, and export your papers as PDFs.

32. Nirvana

if it’s hard for you to focus during lessons, Nirvana will let you block distracting websites, you can even limit your access to sites like YouTube and Facebook so you won’t spend too much time on social media or watching videos instead of hitting the books.

33. Teammate 

This online tool can be used to create study groups with classmates or group members. You can ask questions about school subjects and find answers, send reminders about due dates for assignments, keep track of progress, or even send kudos to team members who are doing well.

34. GoConqr 

GoConqr lets you access all your notes from class, whether they’re stored in a note-taking app or on a website. When you want to create presentation slides for high school assignments, the GoConqr tool will let you access images, videos, charts, graphs, symbols, themes, quotes, music tracks – even free stock photos. 

So the next time your professor makes a point about symbolism or an important theme in your book, you can find visual examples right at your fingertips.

35. Erudio 

This is for students interested in keeping track of their student loan debt, scholarship opportunities, and all the information that’s available to help manage your college costs. You can also stay up-to-date on any changes that might affect students. 

If you want to know ways to maximize savings, advice on how to choose student loan repayment options, or information on your earnings after graduation, it helps you out every step of the way.

36. Google Calendar 

This online tool is good for keeping track of appointments, events, classes, meetings – even parties. You can also set up reminders to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

And if you forget about something, Google Calendar lets you create different color-coded calendars. 

37. Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants are a Godsend for remote and internet education. They allow instructors to avoid being overwhelmed by the workload. Virtual assistants excel at finding video clips or other resources on your behalf. To discover the best virtual assistant for you, you must first join The International Virtual Assistant Association.

38. Khan Academy 

This is an excellent tool for students involved in online learning. The online tool has a variety of courses that can help you learn almost anything – from algebra to physics and from chemistry to Russian. It also gives real-time feedback on your progress during lessons.

With these tools at your disposal, it’s never been easier to stay on top of schoolwork and maintain a positive mindset. What are some other ways you stay productive and manage your time as a student? Share with us in the comments below!

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